




  1. 全新的C/S架构。客户端为一个名字叫lxc的工具(注意这个和原先那个lxc不是一个东西),服务端叫lxd,两者之间可以使用unix socket或者https的方式,通过RESTful API进行通信。这种设计让用户可以利用lxc工具对多个lxd进行远程管理,更重要的是,第三方程序也可以完全不依赖与lxc工具,直接使用API对lxd进行管理。相比lxc而言这种管理方式灵活了许多。
  2. 更方便的配置项。lxd提出了许多的新概念,可以让lxc容器的配置显得更加条理化。例如,lxd引入了镜像库,镜像库可以是在本地也可以在远程,支持镜像在两者之间的转移、导出、导入,也可以将停止运行的容器打包为镜像;lxd引入了profile的概念,profile在容器创建时被指定,而基于同一个profile的容器在初始化时具有同样的配置参数。
  3. 更加丰富的存储后端。lxd除了原有的dir类型外,还支持一些现代的高效存储后端,例如btrfs、zfs、ceph等,只需要在启用时安装配套工具即可。
  4. 原生的网络配置。单个容器能够发挥的功能十分有限,如何将多个容器进行连接是非常关键的。lxd直接融合了多种网络的配置功能,例如创建bridge、ovs、veth,以及overlay类型的接口GRE、Vxlan以及Ubuntu fan等等。
  5. 更加方便的设备管理。对于宿主机上的物理资源,lxd也直接提供了device的配置方法,用户可以按照需求直接将多种类型的设备绑定到容器中,例如GPU、物理网络接口、磁盘、infiniteband以及其他的字符型设备和块设备等。
  6. 自带的集群模式。可以将多个运行lxd的服务器组合为集群进行管理,数据一致性由raft保证,这样可以提高lxd的稳定性。



这里的lxc特指lxd的客户端,在lxd源码中的位置是lxc。这里额外提一下,在lxd(也就是lxc 2.0)中,一般使用的工具是lxc,运行的命令一般是lxc startlxc stop等等;而在lxc(也就是lxc 1.0)中,一般使用的工具是lxc-***,运行的命令一般是lxc-startlxc-stop。由于这里lxc经常出现,注意区分不要弄错了。

系统 服务名 开启容器的命令
lxc lxc lxc-start
lxd lxd lxc start


func main() {
	// 定位配置文件,从配置文件中获得一些预制的运行参数
    err := execIfAliases()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %v\n", err)

	// 配置解析器
	app := &cobra.Command{}
	app.Use = "lxc"
	app.Short = i18n.G("Command line client for LXD")
	app.Long = cli.FormatSection(i18n.G("Description"), i18n.G(
		`Command line client for LXD

All of LXD's features can be driven through the various commands below.
For help with any of those, simply call them with --help.`))
	app.SilenceUsage = true
	app.SilenceErrors = true

	// Global flags
    globalCmd := cmdGlobal{cmd: app}
    // 添加全局对象的处理逻辑
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&globalCmd.flagVersion, "version", false, i18n.G("Print version number"))
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&globalCmd.flagHelp, "help", "h", false, i18n.G("Print help"))
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&globalCmd.flagForceLocal, "force-local", false, i18n.G("Force using the local unix socket"))
	app.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&globalCmd.flagProject, "project", "", i18n.G("Override the source project"))
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&globalCmd.flagLogDebug, "debug", false, i18n.G("Show all debug messages"))
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&globalCmd.flagLogVerbose, "verbose", "v", false, i18n.G("Show all information messages"))
	app.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&globalCmd.flagQuiet, "quiet", "q", false, i18n.G("Don't show progress information"))

    // Wrappers
    // 配置运行前后的钩子函数
	app.PersistentPreRunE = globalCmd.PreRun
	app.PersistentPostRunE = globalCmd.PostRun

	// Version handling
	app.Version = version.Version

	// alias sub-command
	aliasCmd := cmdAlias{global: &globalCmd}

	// cluster sub-command
	clusterCmd := cmdCluster{global: &globalCmd}

    // ... 中间这部分和alias,cluster一样,都是在绑定子命令的入口
	// version sub-command
	versionCmd := cmdVersion{global: &globalCmd}

	// Get help command
	var help *cobra.Command
	for _, cmd := range app.Commands() {
		if cmd.Name() == "help" {
			help = cmd

	// Help flags
	app.Flags().BoolVar(&globalCmd.flagHelpAll, "all", false, i18n.G("Show less common commands"))
	help.Flags().BoolVar(&globalCmd.flagHelpAll, "all", false, i18n.G("Show less common commands"))

	// Deal with --all flag
	err = app.ParseFlags(os.Args[1:])
	if err == nil {
		if globalCmd.flagHelpAll {
			// Show all commands
			for _, cmd := range app.Commands() {
				cmd.Hidden = false

	// Run the main command and handle errors
	err = app.Execute()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle non-Linux systems
		if err == config.ErrNotLinux {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, i18n.G(`This client hasn't been configured to use a remote LXD server yet.
As your platform can't run native Linux containers, you must connect to a remote LXD server.

If you already added a remote server, make it the default with "lxc remote switch NAME".
To easily setup a local LXD server in a virtual machine, consider using: https://multipass.run`)+"\n")

		if err == cobra.ErrSubCommandRequired {

		// Default error handling
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %v\n", err)

	if globalCmd.ret != 0 {


type cmdGlobal struct {
	conf     *config.Config
	confPath string
	cmd      *cobra.Command
	ret      int

	flagForceLocal bool
	flagHelp       bool
	flagHelpAll    bool
	flagLogDebug   bool
	flagLogVerbose bool
	flagProject    string
	flagQuiet      bool
	flagVersion    bool

解析配置文件的逻辑在lxc/config目录下,入口点是file.go文件中的LoadConfig函数。值得一提的是,lxc工具还支持命令的简写,通过源码我们可以发现只需要用lxc alias工具管理一个alias的键值映射即可。


    // alias sub-command
	aliasCmd := cmdAlias{global: &globalCmd}



首先,我们假定运行的命令为lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 u1,看看这条命令在launch.go是如何处理的。 首先,我们发现cmdLaunch这个结构体与其他文件有一定的差异。

type cmdLaunch struct {
	global *cmdGlobal
	init   *cmdInit

看见了吗,多了一个cmdInit对象。不难发现这个对象就是init.go中的对象,结合launch的具体过程我们可以想象,launch.go中可能是分两步执行launch过程,首先是lxc init ubuntu:16.04 u1,接下来lxc start u1

func (c *cmdLaunch) Command() *cobra.Command {
	cmd := c.init.Command()
	cmd.Use = i18n.G("launch [<remote>:]<image> [<remote>:][<name>]")
	cmd.Short = i18n.G("Create and start containers from images")
	cmd.Long = cli.FormatSection(i18n.G("Description"), i18n.G(
		`Create and start containers from images`))
	cmd.Example = cli.FormatSection("", i18n.G(
		`lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 u1

lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 u1 < config.yaml
    Create and start the container with configuration from config.yaml`))
	cmd.Hidden = false

	cmd.RunE = c.Run

	return cmd


func (c *cmdLaunch) Run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	conf := c.global.conf

	// Sanity checks
	exit, err := c.global.CheckArgs(cmd, args, 1, 2)
	if exit {
		return err

	// Call the matching code from init
	d, name, err := c.init.create(conf, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get the remote
	var remote string
	if len(args) == 2 {
		remote, _, err = conf.ParseRemote(args[1])
		if err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		remote, _, err = conf.ParseRemote("")
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Start the container
	if !c.global.flagQuiet {
		fmt.Printf(i18n.G("Starting %s")+"\n", name)

	req := api.InstanceStatePut{
		Action:  "start",
		Timeout: -1,

	op, err := d.UpdateInstanceState(name, req, "")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	progress := utils.ProgressRenderer{
		Quiet: c.global.flagQuiet,
	_, err = op.AddHandler(progress.UpdateOp)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Wait for operation to finish
	err = utils.CancelableWait(op, &progress)
	if err != nil {
		prettyName := name
		if remote != "" {
			prettyName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", remote, name)

		return fmt.Errorf("%s\n"+i18n.G("Try `lxc info --show-log %s` for more info"), err, prettyName)

	return nil


func (c *cmdInit) create(conf *config.Config, args []string) (lxd.InstanceServer, string, error) {
	var name string
	var image string
	var remote string
	var iremote string
	var err error
	var stdinData api.InstancePut
	var devicesMap map[string]map[string]string
	var configMap map[string]string

	// If stdin isn't a terminal, read text from it
	// ...

	if len(args) > 0 {
		// ... 指定的是remote:container的容器,解析出remote

	if c.flagEmpty {
		if len(args) > 1 {
			return nil, "", fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("--empty cannot be combined with an image name"))

		if len(args) == 0 {
			remote, name, err = conf.ParseRemote("")
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err
		} else if len(args) == 1 {
			// Switch image / container names
			name = image
			remote = iremote
			image = ""
			iremote = ""

	d, err := conf.GetInstanceServer(remote)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	if c.flagTarget != "" {
		d = d.UseTarget(c.flagTarget)

	profiles := []string{}
	for _, p := range c.flagProfile {
		profiles = append(profiles, p)

	// 打印开始创建的信息

	if len(stdinData.Devices) > 0 {
		devicesMap = stdinData.Devices
	} else {
		devicesMap = map[string]map[string]string{}

	if c.flagNetwork != "" {
		network, _, err := d.GetNetwork(c.flagNetwork)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		if network.Type == "bridge" {
			devicesMap[c.flagNetwork] = map[string]string{"type": "nic", "nictype": "bridged", "parent": c.flagNetwork}
		} else {
			devicesMap[c.flagNetwork] = map[string]string{"type": "nic", "nictype": "macvlan", "parent": c.flagNetwork}

	if len(stdinData.Config) > 0 {
		configMap = stdinData.Config
	} else {
		configMap = map[string]string{}
	for _, entry := range c.flagConfig {
		if !strings.Contains(entry, "=") {
			return nil, "", fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("Bad key=value pair: %s"), entry)

		fields := strings.SplitN(entry, "=", 2)
		configMap[fields[0]] = fields[1]

	// Check if the specified storage pool exists.
	if c.flagStorage != "" {
		_, _, err := d.GetStoragePool(c.flagStorage)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		devicesMap["root"] = map[string]string{
			"type": "disk",
			"path": "/",
			"pool": c.flagStorage,

	// Decide whether we are creating a container or a virtual machine.
	instanceDBType := api.InstanceTypeContainer
	if c.flagVM {
		instanceDBType = api.InstanceTypeVM

	// Setup instance creation request
	req := api.InstancesPost{
		Name:         name,
		InstanceType: c.flagType,
		Type:         instanceDBType,
	req.Config = configMap
	req.Devices = devicesMap

	if !c.flagNoProfiles && len(profiles) == 0 {
		if len(stdinData.Profiles) > 0 {
			req.Profiles = stdinData.Profiles
		} else {
			req.Profiles = nil
	} else {
		req.Profiles = profiles
	req.Ephemeral = c.flagEphemeral

	var opInfo api.Operation
	if !c.flagEmpty {
		// Get the image server and image info
		iremote, image = c.guessImage(conf, d, remote, iremote, image)
		var imgRemote lxd.ImageServer
		var imgInfo *api.Image

		// Connect to the image server
		if iremote == remote {
			imgRemote = d
		} else {
			imgRemote, err = conf.GetImageServer(iremote)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err

		// Deal with the default image
		if image == "" {
			image = "default"

		// Optimisation for simplestreams
		if conf.Remotes[iremote].Protocol == "simplestreams" {
			imgInfo = &api.Image{}
			imgInfo.Fingerprint = image
			imgInfo.Public = true
			req.Source.Alias = image
		} else {
			// Attempt to resolve an image alias
			alias, _, err := imgRemote.GetImageAlias(image)
			if err == nil {
				req.Source.Alias = image
				image = alias.Target

			// Get the image info
			imgInfo, _, err = imgRemote.GetImage(image)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err

		// Create the instance
		op, err := d.CreateInstanceFromImage(imgRemote, *imgInfo, req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		// Watch the background operation
		progress := utils.ProgressRenderer{
			Format: i18n.G("Retrieving image: %s"),
			Quiet:  c.global.flagQuiet,

		_, err = op.AddHandler(progress.UpdateOp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		err = utils.CancelableWait(op, &progress)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		// Extract the container name
		info, err := op.GetTarget()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		opInfo = *info
	} else {
		req.Source.Type = "none"

		op, err := d.CreateInstance(req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		err = op.Wait()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err

		opInfo = op.Get()

	instances, ok := opInfo.Resources["instances"]
	if !ok || len(instances) == 0 {
		// Try using the older "containers" field
		instances, ok = opInfo.Resources["containers"]
		if !ok || len(instances) == 0 {
			return nil, "", fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("Didn't get any affected image, instance or snapshot from server"))

	if len(instances) == 1 && name == "" {
		fields := strings.Split(instances[0], "/")
		name = fields[len(fields)-1]
		fmt.Printf(i18n.G("Instance name is: %s")+"\n", name)

	// Validate the network setup
	c.checkNetwork(d, name)

	return d, name, nil


// GetInstanceServer returns a InstanceServer struct for the remote
func (c *Config) GetInstanceServer(name string) (lxd.InstanceServer, error) {
	// Handle "local" on non-Linux
	if name == "local" && runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
		return nil, ErrNotLinux

	// Get the remote
	remote, ok := c.Remotes[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The remote \"%s\" doesn't exist", name)

	// Sanity checks
	if remote.Public || remote.Protocol == "simplestreams" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The remote isn't a private LXD server")

	// Get connection arguments
	args, err := c.getConnectionArgs(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Unix socket
	if strings.HasPrefix(remote.Addr, "unix:") {
		d, err := lxd.ConnectLXDUnix(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(remote.Addr, "unix:"), "//"), args)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if remote.Project != "" && remote.Project != "default" {
			d = d.UseProject(remote.Project)

		if c.ProjectOverride != "" {
			d = d.UseProject(c.ProjectOverride)

		return d, nil

	// HTTPs
	if remote.AuthType != "candid" && (args.TLSClientCert == "" || args.TLSClientKey == "") {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing TLS client certificate and key")

	d, err := lxd.ConnectLXD(remote.Addr, args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if remote.Project != "" && remote.Project != "default" {
		d = d.UseProject(remote.Project)

	if c.ProjectOverride != "" {
		d = d.UseProject(c.ProjectOverride)

	return d, nil

针对两种连接模式,该函数使用lxd包中的ConnectLXDUnixConnectLXD两个函数连接。值得注意的是,这里的lxd并不是指的lxd这个目录,仔细看会发现这里的lxd包实际上在client这个目录下,而lxd目录下的包名实际上叫main。个人认为lxd在命名方面确实存在着很多的混淆点,除去lxd的命令行工具叫做lxc很可能与lxc 1.0让人产生误解,这里的包名稍不注意也会弄错。话说回来,这样我们知道了client这个目录下的代码应当是用来生成客户端向服务端发起的请求的。


// ConnectLXD lets you connect to a remote LXD daemon over HTTPs.
// A client certificate (TLSClientCert) and key (TLSClientKey) must be provided.
// If connecting to a LXD daemon running in PKI mode, the PKI CA (TLSCA) must also be provided.
// Unless the remote server is trusted by the system CA, the remote certificate must be provided (TLSServerCert).
func ConnectLXD(url string, args *ConnectionArgs) (InstanceServer, error) {
	logger.Debugf("Connecting to a remote LXD over HTTPs")

	// Cleanup URL
	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, "/")

	return httpsLXD(url, args)

// Internal function called by ConnectLXD and ConnectPublicLXD
func httpsLXD(url string, args *ConnectionArgs) (InstanceServer, error) {
	// Use empty args if not specified
	if args == nil {
		args = &ConnectionArgs{}

	// Initialize the client struct
	server := ProtocolLXD{
		httpCertificate:  args.TLSServerCert,
		httpHost:         url,
		httpProtocol:     "https",
		httpUserAgent:    args.UserAgent,
		bakeryInteractor: args.AuthInteractor,
		chConnected:      make(chan struct{}, 1),

	if args.AuthType == "candid" {

	// Setup the HTTP client
	httpClient, err := tlsHTTPClient(args.HTTPClient, args.TLSClientCert, args.TLSClientKey, args.TLSCA, args.TLSServerCert, args.InsecureSkipVerify, args.Proxy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if args.CookieJar != nil {
		httpClient.Jar = args.CookieJar

	server.http = httpClient
	if args.AuthType == "candid" {

	// Test the connection and seed the server information
	if !args.SkipGetServer {
		_, _, err := server.GetServer()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return &server, nil

而这里已经接近https请求发送的底层了,我们不再深入分析了,只是需要注意的是lxd使用的是位于util.go中几乎自己实现的tlsHttpClient,而不像我想象的那样使用了第三方的https请求库。至于unix socket部分和https请求类似。


// CreateInstanceFromImage is a convenience function to make it easier to create a instance from an existing image.
func (r *ProtocolLXD) CreateInstanceFromImage(source ImageServer, image api.Image, req api.InstancesPost) (RemoteOperation, error) {
	// Set the minimal source fields
	req.Source.Type = "image"

	// Optimization for the local image case
	if r == source {
		// Always use fingerprints for local case
		req.Source.Fingerprint = image.Fingerprint
		req.Source.Alias = ""

		op, err := r.CreateInstance(req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		rop := remoteOperation{
			targetOp: op,
			chDone:   make(chan bool),

		// Forward targetOp to remote op
		go func() {
			rop.err = rop.targetOp.Wait()

		return &rop, nil

	// Minimal source fields for remote image
	req.Source.Mode = "pull"

	// If we have an alias and the image is public, use that
	if req.Source.Alias != "" && image.Public {
		req.Source.Fingerprint = ""
	} else {
		req.Source.Fingerprint = image.Fingerprint
		req.Source.Alias = ""

	// Get source server connection information
	info, err := source.GetConnectionInfo()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req.Source.Protocol = info.Protocol
	req.Source.Certificate = info.Certificate

	// Generate secret token if needed
	if !image.Public {
		secret, err := source.GetImageSecret(image.Fingerprint)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		req.Source.Secret = secret

	return r.tryCreateInstance(req, info.Addresses)


func (r *ProtocolLXD) tryCreateInstance(req api.InstancesPost, urls []string) (RemoteOperation, error) {
	if len(urls) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The source server isn't listening on the network")

	rop := remoteOperation{
		chDone: make(chan bool),

	operation := req.Source.Operation

	// Forward targetOp to remote op
	go func() {
		success := false
		errors := map[string]error{}
		for _, serverURL := range urls {
			if operation == "" {
				req.Source.Server = serverURL
			} else {
				req.Source.Operation = fmt.Sprintf("%s/1.0/operations/%s", serverURL, url.PathEscape(operation))

			op, err := r.CreateInstance(req)
			if err != nil {
				errors[serverURL] = err

			rop.targetOp = op

			for _, handler := range rop.handlers {

			err = rop.targetOp.Wait()
			if err != nil {
				errors[serverURL] = err

			success = true

		if !success {
			rop.err = remoteOperationError("Failed instance creation", errors)


	return &rop, nil

这里面涉及到了golang的并发实现go func() {}(),以建立一个异步的请求,并注册回调函数到rop中,在请求回复后执行。


您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注